Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sweet Spots

Sweet spots lay in the opportunity to have dialogue with a brilliant academic with a pastor's heart and a passion to see students engage in learning with their souls. Sweet spots lay in sharing discourse with a woman of God who wants to change her world by reaching out to women who are under-resourced around the world. Sweet spots are realizing the future exists of endless paths of joy, and yet God is faithfully commandeering my life's rudder to the One Path that is where His heart and who I was created to be, meet. What is your sweet spot? Have you found it? Are you involved in a community that can be God's voice to call it forth in you? Praying for it to be so for all of you......

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Finding Expression for Differences of Opinion

I think a lot about the way we speak, express, 'get off our chest', our thoughts, dreams, desires, opinions. I think about it a lot especially when working with a team. How we express our shared values creates a wave of fluidity, energized by the common rush we feel when we all agree. How we express our differences, however, tends to change the wave into a torrent of dissonance that can cause severe damage. Allan Cox, in his book, Redefining Corporate Soul, says: "The smart team soon will learn that differences of opinion don't cause problems; problems come from the way those differences are expressed." Should we paying more attention to the differences? Or more attention to finding the language and means of expression that will make those differences create energy and synergy? It's all about expression...... What do you think?